Member Benefits

Membership and Industry Affiliate Program Bylaws

Companies may join the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) Industry Affiliate Program as Full or Associate Members. Member fees, benefits, and obligations are outlined below and described in more detail in the CNT Industry Affiliates Program Membership Agreement. 

Annual Membership Fees                    

Company SizeFull MemberAssociate Member
> or =500 FTEs$40,000$20,000
10 to 499 FTEs$10,000$5,000

 (*A start-up has fewer than 10 FTEs and is less than three years old.)

Intellectual Property (IP)

All members receive a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-commercial license to use CNT Intellectual Property (IP) for internal research and evaluation purposes. Full members receive the first opportunity to negotiate commercial licenses for CNT IP. Commercial licenses may be exclusive or non-exclusive, as appropriate.

Scholarly Disclosures and Confidentiality

Information and details pertaining to CNT research may be designated as confidential and governed by a standard non-disclosure agreement. CNT researchers may publish or otherwise disclose research results that do not contain confidential information owned or controlled by members.

Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Participation and Input on CNT Research Directions

Representatives from member companies comprise the IAB, which reviews CNT progress, performs an annual SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, and advises the CNT directors on research and other matters. 

Member Benefits summary

BenefitMember class:
First opportunity to negotiate a commercial license to CNT IPFull memberN/A
Vote to prioritize recommended research areas for CNTFull memberN/A
Annual Customized Member Visit to CNTFull memberN/A
Help set the agenda for problem-solving sessions with CNT facultyFull memberN/A
Periodic reports of CNT inventions available for licensingFull memberAssociate
Attendance and involvement in CNT industry meetingsFull memberAssociate
Industrial Advisory Board membershipFull memberAssociate
Review CNT progress and advise the director on matters pertaining to the CenterFull memberAssociate
Recruiting opportunities for graduate students and postdocsFull memberAssociate
Members-only access to research results, publications, etc.Full memberAssociate
Access to select CNT research and facilities (user fees may apply)Full memberAssociate
Access to student internsFull memberAssociate
Visiting Industry Scientist programFull memberAssociate
Non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-commercial internal research license to CNT IPFull memberAssociate
Opportunity to sponsor directed researchFull memberAssociate
Collaborate with CNT faculty to obtain grants and other fundingFull memberAssociate
Network with other industry membersFull memberAssociate